Friday, September 12, 2014


this is the first week of the new semester. guess what??? I'm alone in this hostel. don't know what to do. study perhaps. movies? no collection of it at all. seriously i'm bored. i've cleaned the entire room. wash what i don't need to wash exactly. can you imagine it. and tempat sidai baju tue full!!!! actually dari semalam lagi i'm alone tapi tak terasa sangat sebab ada class and briefing. rasa macam tak nak bagun tido je tadi tapi dah bosan tido so bangun. bila cuti rajin bangun awal, bila ada class. ya Allah susah nak nak bangun. hasutan syaitan betul kan? kita cerita-cerita la sikit ye bila dah bosan nie ye. ok bab yang paling HOT being discussed among my friends is kawen. sorry english very bad. bear with me la if you read this. terbiasa cakap campur-campur a.k.a rojak nie susah jugak ye. almost all of my closed friends said "before grad, make sure ada satu" actually nak tanya that's means kita bole ada lebih dari satu ke?? hahaha seriously kelakar. being in accounting department, make us think about this matter. madam asyik pesan, kalau nak involve in career one day baik cari awal because once you in, you have no time, trust me. itu madam yang cakap la. maybe betul. sebab tue kot kawan-kawan sibuk ye. ramai jugak la kenalan masa cfs dulu, dah kawen. tahniah. tue tak masuk kawan sekolah menengah lagi. dah ada anak pun ada but they still study. wondering of time management. 

didikan family, not encouraged to talk about this matter so i tak cakap pun pasal nie dengan parents i. pasal kawen tak pernah la. pasal ada boyfriend pernah. guess what? my ummi ckp "belajar dah habis ke? nak masak tak payah mengada" that's the answer so i pun terus tak fikir pasal nie. niat dalam hati, kalau ada jodoh pasti bertemu and masa yang sesuai tue akan tiba bila Allah kata masa dia sekian sekian then i will be. 
bab pandai masak nie pun satu hal jugak. i tak berapa pandai nak masak but i can give a try. i'm interested in baking but not masak lauk-pauk tue. kalau masak desert pun i minat jugak. my aunty cakap "habis nak makan kek sampai tua?" tersipu-sipu i nak jawab. for me, tak penting pun pandai ke tak. yang penting kita usaha nak jadi yang terbaik and serve them well. masak?? lepas kawen bole kan belajar. tak salah. tapi kalau dah pandai satu advantage la kan. 

p/s: kawen nanti jgn lupa jemput. hehhehe.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

still remember u.

i still remember you as my fiends. i love to make friends but i realize that one day they will leave me but yet i still want to remember you. i want to keep the sweet memories that we shared together. i want to always remember what you like and what is your habits so that one day i still know you. i want to remember your name so that you remember mine. i want to know you further so that you are in my list. i want to always see the list so that i remember you. you might be a very important person one day, please don't forget me. you might be far away from me, but please remember me. i want to be a friend who you can always be  remembered. i want to be your sister, share stories, have pillow talk and so on. dear friends, please don't forget me and i hope one day you will say "i still remember you". semester.

assalamualaikum. so how is your life? i'm thinking of i'm talking to my friend when i'm writing all this things. today is the third day of the new semester still okay. not yet busy. this semester...very though and i need to leave my friends after this for practical training for almost 6 months. sad, nervous and all sort of feeling. many things happened to me, for sure i will miss all these moments. everyone keep on talking about the feel after they graduated. sorry i still can't talk about that. i have few semester left. siapa tak nak grad awal kan, tapi rezeki la. hidup nie penuh dugaan dan cabaran. as for me, i have few papers more. masa mula-mula nak pilih bachelor dulu, ada jugak yang cakap we, x kisah ke 4 tahun? tak nak amik yang lain ke? sorry. i buat for the sake of my parents. they want me to do accounting. ada hikmah.
cerita pasal semester nie, ada banyak class dengan junior tapi still ada class jugak dengan kawan-kawan. maybe last class dengan diaorang. sedih jugak tapi kena kuat. for sure, i will miss this place. lots of moments and memories to be remembered.