Thursday, January 6, 2011

no pain no gain.

Is that true when people keep saying no pain no gain? I'm totally agree with this opinion. It's not because I like or falling in love with the person who said that, it is because it's a reality statement in our daily lives. Even in Holy Quran has stated about this matter, whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has Faith, verily, to him will We give a new life, a life that is good and pure and We will bestow on such their rewards according to the best of their actions. (The Quran, An-Nahl 16:97)
The bird will not fly to your arrow so what you have to do if you want that bird? Work for that!!! You can't just sit down or maybe stay cool until the bird comes to your arrow! That's will never happen. It's just like when you hungry, did food come and walk into your mouth??? Someone has to serve you or you serve yourself, right??
Talking about mission, everyone has their own mission in their lives. To achieve that you have to keep yourselves moving which means you have to make sure you got what you aim. If you can't fly, run. If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, crawl, but by all means, keep moving.
Bulgarian proverb had stated that God promises a safe landing, but not a calm passage. See, even Bulgarian said that. landing means the last station after a long journey and God promises a safe landing but not a calm journey so you have to pain to gain something you aim.
A few days ago, I got marks for my mid-term paper. I got shocked when I saw that marks, I keep asking myself what I have done??? Why I got such that marks?? Today I got the answer, no pain no gain. That is the best answer I had found. I weren't work so hard, so I deserved to get such that marks. Nothing was going wrong with that marks. No pain no gain. Fair and square, you work hard, you get more, you work as usual, you get manual, and so on. Now I've learned that you have to work harder if you want the best.


  1. naj... warne kuning tuuuu sakit mate ana..
    da la ana ni teroverdoss rabunnye..
    kne pulk warne kuning.. silau mate i.. he2 jgn mrh..:)

  2. ok diej, i dah tukar.....
